
Can You Get Rabies From Petting a Dead Animal

Dr. Kari Reiber

Kari Reiber

Last month's article stressed the importance of staying away from wildlife and vaccinating domestic animals against rabies. Since many of the calls we receive concern bats, guidelines were provided on how to prevent bats from entering your home. More detailed information is available on the Centers for Disease Control and New York State Department of Health websites. This article is again about rabies and answers some of the more frequently asked questions we receive from the public.

There is a raccoon in my neighborhood; what should I do?

Raccoons, foxes and skunks are rabies vector species and usually nocturnal; if you see one hanging around during the day, it could be ill or injured. Best avoid it and keep your pets inside until it goes away. Notify the police if it behaves aggressively. Possums do not carry rabies. If you find one on your property there is no need for concern.

I found a dead fox in my garage; what do I do?

Dead animals cannot transmit rabies. However, if you find a dead rabies vector species (raccoon, fox, skunk or bat), the animal should be tested. Call the Department of Health; we will collect it and make sure no one was exposed if it tests positive.

My dog killed a squirrel; is my dog at risk for rabies?

Squirrels don't interact with rabies vector species. Your dog is not at risk, but you should make sure it's not injured.

My dog killed a woodchuck; what do I do?

Woodchucks are not a vector species but can get rabies. If up to date on vaccinations your dog may need a booster shot. If the dog is not vaccinated, don't dispose of the woodchuck; it needs to be tested.

I killed a woodchuck with a shovel and got spattered with blood; am I at risk?

Not unless you were spattered with saliva or brain matter. Blood is not a vehicle for rabies.

My cat died foaming at the mouth and behaving aggressively; should I be concerned about rabies?

Yes, and your cat should be tested. Keep in mind it could also have been poisoned or died of some other neurologic disease. If it tests positive for rabies, you will need shots.

There is a live bat in my house; what do I do?

Don't panic; try to keep the bat away from areas where people sleep. If you are certain there was no contact between the bat and any person or domestic animal inside the house, you can release the bat. If you find a live bat in a bedroom with a sleeping person, the person may have been exposed or bitten without knowing it. Anytime there is possible contact between a bat and a person or pet inside a home, the bat should be trapped and tested for rabies to avoid unnecessary vaccinations. Visit to view a video about how to catch a bat. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also explains how to catch a bat:

A bat bit me; what do I do?

The bat needs to be tested. If positive, you need shots; if negative, you are not at risk. If the bat escapes and can't be tested, you need shots. Never handle or feed a live bat.

A dog bit me; what do I do?

Wash the wound and call the Department of Health for assistance. You may need medical care for your injury. If the dog escapes, tell us what it looked like and where the incident occurred; if possible, take a picture of the dog so we can locate it. If the animal is owned, get the owner's contact information so we can follow up. We will make sure the animal is isolated and closely observed for a period of 10 days. This observation period is necessary to establish whether or not the biting animal has rabies in a communicable form. If the dog is healthy at the end of that time period, there is no need for concern.

My dog (cat) has wounds from a fight with an unknown animal; what should I do?

Use gloves when examining it. If up to date on shots, your pet may need a booster shot. If not currently vaccinated, your pet is at risk for rabies. Consult your veterinarian and the Department of Health. Bites from wild animals are a concern because the attacking animal can't be observed and the 10-day observation period may not apply. Don't let domestic animals roam unsupervised, especially at night; it lessens the chances of an unwanted encounter.

My dog licked my child's face two hours after getting vaccinated against rabies; is my child at risk?

No. There is no risk of rabies unless there is direct contact between the saliva of an infected animal and an open wound.

For assistance, please call the Department of Health at 845-486-3404 during business hours, or 845-431-6465 after hours.

Dr. Kari Reiber is the health commissioner for the Dutchess County Department of Health.

Can You Get Rabies From Petting a Dead Animal


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